Monday, May 21, 2012

Crescent Cinnamon Rolls: Perfect Breakfast After a Crazy Night

I don't know about you guys, but I am loving that people are learning how to turn all my favorite foods into cinnamon rolls. I've seen cinnamon roll cake and cinnamon roll pancakes and now there's this, cinnamon roll crescents! My sister Courtney showed them to me and I have been meaning to try them for a long time. When my friends decided we were going to have a sleepover Friday night I knew I had to make them for breakfast.
This picture doesn't make them look super appetizing but I like to show people exactly how they look when they bake so that you know you didn't do it wrong. Here's the recipe from the original site with great step by step pictures. I'll just give the simplified version.

Crescent Cinnamon Rolls:

1 tube of Pillsbury crescent rolls (8 count, buttery or regular kind)
6 T softened butter
1/4 C white sugar
2 1/2 t cinnamon
2 T melted butter
1/4 C powdered sugar (the original calls for 2 T more but I was too lazy to add them)
1/2 t vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 375
Place unrolled crescent rolls on cookie sheet (I greased mine but the recipe says not to... I just about always grease mine though)
Mix together softened butter, white sugar, and cinnamon for the filling
Spread filling on opened rolls and then roll them up (embarrassing confession: I just learned that there is a wrong way and a right way to roll up crescent rolls. No worries, I figured it out after only two failures!)
Bake 10-12 minutes and while its baking start on glaze
Mix together melted butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla. *If it hardens a bit before you have a chance to put it on your rolls just heat it for a few seconds in microwave and stir*
While rolls are still hot, pour or spread or drizzle your glaze on them. *Don't worry about putting too much or too little, you can't mess these rolls of deliciousness up!*
EAT IT HOT! Just don't burn yourself.
Delicious and hardly any work at all! I just wish they were bigger. I definitely always eat two.

Now that I've given you a delicious recipe, I've got some life lessons I learned from my sleepover that I feel I should pass on.
1. Although jumping into the lake at evening time when its chilly isn't a great idea, rolling down your newly mowed hill with the sprinklers on is an even worse one.
2. Fanny packs are very useful when you're army crawling around.
3. Actually, fanny packs are always useful. Go buy one.
4. Using glitter in a prank may seem fun and magical... Because it totally is. Yes it's somewhat impossible to clean up but let's be honest. Everybody loves glitter.
5. If you're sneaking around and a motion light suddenly catches you off guard, running as fast as you can away from it isn't necessarily your best choice. On the bright side however, it will give everyone a good laugh.
6. Never underestimate a boy on crutches.

I hope you take all this advice to heart because it will no doubt save your life one day.


  1. Have I told you how much I love you? Good work on creating an interesting blog that people might actually read!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I cant believe I got burned on my comment burn! Tragic story. I swear before I had kids I was smart... Though after reading your words of wisdom I am wondering what is your excuse?

    Oooh! Make up burn!

    Okay, I promise only nice comments from now on. Unless they are extra deserved...
