Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mythological Madness

So Halloween has already happened for me since our ward party was last night and I went all out. Chelsea, Samantha, Alyssa, and I decided our theme for the year would be mythical creatures. It's probably our best theme yet. Pure genius. Also I think it should be stated that these costumes took quite a lot of creativity on our part. A lot of googling went on to bring together the best of all the ideas... Check out my pinterest makeup board if you want the proof.

Chelsea was our adorable unicorn!

Her magical makeup was second only to her fantastically long horn. The jewels to the sides of her eyes are definitely my favorite part but hey, I'm a little biased. I love jewels... To finish off the look she wore a unicorn shirt making her the most easily distinguished of us all.

Samantha was our beautiful mermaid!

Her scales were made with a mixture of clear sequins and eyelash glue. Add intense purple and green eye shadow and some blue lips and you've got yourself a mermaid. She even had pink hair highlights with jewels and seashells but sadly I didn't take any good pictures of it. Failure on my part. Oh also I sewed her skirt from some pajama bottoms and an old dance costume we found at DI. I actively avoided documenting proof of that... But kudoos to Samantha for loving me enough to wear it no matter how many mistakes it had! I was actually feeling pretty good about how it turned out until we got to the dance where we met another girl dressed as a mermaid. When I asked her where she found her fantastic skirt (because trust me we searched to by one) she informed me she made it. It was around that time I promised myself to stop believing that I had any sewing skills just because I've watched my mom sew every now and then.

Alyssa was our lovely elf!

The ears were our best find for that outfit for sure. But I also gave her fantastically green sparkle eyes. Which I'm still impressed she let me do glitter on her after her experience with glitter on our lady Gaga Halloween year. We also added the jewels across the forehead and some green shimmer around her cheeks and ears to help them stand out. She actually made herself some sweet elf sandals too but I sadly didn't get a picture of them.

I was a ferocious dragon!

Yes my makeup took around two hours to complete but since I won a creepy vampire pen for best makeup we can officially say worth it. My scales I made using fishnets on my head and coloring them in. The Mask over my eyes is black eye shadow, red and black jewels glued to it, and red sparkles sprinkled over it all. Really not very hard at all. My lipstick is just red and gold sparkles. My costume was actually a dark fairy costume. For a little girl. But hey I worked it anyway! I also had some crazy long black nails that definitely took a few people out.... Not to mention that my wings that were definitely ruining people's hairstyles... I really was a monster of destruction that night!
 All in all we looked fantastic and were definitely turning some heads. Although the fact that once again no guys were dropping to their knees for dates with us still has me confused. I'm a girl who loves covering herself in sparkly makeup that will get everywhere if you let it touch you... What more could a boy want?!

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done. I lovin the theme and you guys look awesome.
